I nearly fell off my chair when I saw this was out
THAT was the coolest thing I have seen for months!!! But it didn't have the fighting toads that I thought that were cool. Still you somehow have managed to outdo yourself. (That's damn amazing!)
I nearly fell off my chair when I saw this was out
THAT was the coolest thing I have seen for months!!! But it didn't have the fighting toads that I thought that were cool. Still you somehow have managed to outdo yourself. (That's damn amazing!)
Your previous stick slayer movies were pretty good but this was pretty epic! That Pirates of teh (I dunno how to spell it) music went perfectly!
Uh icecreamconeguy....
You really have to think about how much effort they put into this stuff, man! I loved the zombie first person thing! That was on eawesome movie!
Lookin' good!
Man I got flash for christmas and now I'm hoping to make something like that!
I gave you a high score not all because of the quality of the movie but because you spread a good point. Interactivity too because of it.
This movie rocks!
By the way, was it because of my reveiw that you added medium quality or were you going to make it anyway? defitey worth the wait!
It was because of you. Thanks.
Ok Brianbrain....
Or whatever your name is. If you sucked balls enough to flame a hard working animator then why the hell did you give it a 10!?
Heh, good movie , anyways.
I've never seen something like this before! (Mainly 'cos I haven't seen the first one yet) I gave good graphics because it looked SO much like a proper computer!
Thanks for the Review! Ya I am hoping to score something in originality, Hopefully in the next one there will be a better looking background too.
It's really good.
It's so funny watching your replies to those crappy reveiws. They are sooooooooo dumb. And there is another one coming out, did you say?
Are you talking about their reviews? Or my responses?
Laziness is like a disease. It can be injected or sexually transmitted.
Age 31, Female
Joined on 5/8/06